2024: The TikTok Election Year and Youth Voter Influence

Tick Right
2 min readFeb 18, 2024


2024: The TikTok Election Year and Youth Voter Influence
2024 TikTok new election battleground?

In the fast-paced world of social media, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse, especially in shaping political discourse and influencing elections globally. Here’s a breakdown of how TikTok is reshaping politics:

1. TikTok: More Than Just Dance Challenges

Initially known for lip-syncing and dance crazes, TikTok has evolved into a vital platform for political communication. Its short-form videos and engaging content attract millions of young users, making it a battleground for politicians seeking to connect with the youth vote.

2. The Rise of “TikTok Election Year”

Experts and analysts have dubbed the upcoming 2024 US Presidential elections as the “TikTok election year.” The platform’s growing influence in shaping public opinion has garnered attention worldwide.

3. TikTok as a News Source

Despite not positioning itself as a news platform, TikTok has become a significant source of news for many users. Surveys indicate a sharp increase in users turning to TikTok for news, prompting politicians to vie for attention on the platform.

4. Case Study: Prabowo Subianto

Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, aka “Pra Suban” on TikTok, exemplifies the platform’s impact on political image-building. Despite a controversial past, his entertaining content has propelled him to the forefront of the political scene.

5. Global Impact

TikTok’s influence extends beyond Indonesia. Political parties worldwide, from India to the UK, have utilized the platform in elections to reach first-time voters and engage with younger demographics.

6. Algorithmic Influence

TikTok’s algorithm, tailored to users’ interests, may inadvertently create echo chambers, reinforcing existing beliefs and biases. This poses a challenge in maintaining diverse perspectives on the platform.

7. Youth Engagement

With its predominantly young user base, TikTok proves effective in political campaigns targeting Millennials and Gen Z. Its intuitive interface and social relevance make it an ideal space for politicians to connect with tech-savvy voters.

8. Combatting Misinformation

TikTok’s algorithm also raises concerns about the spread of misinformation and propaganda. While the platform has taken steps to curb false information, challenges persist, particularly during critical events like the COVID-19 pandemic.

In conclusion, TikTok’s ascent as a political player cannot be overlooked. As we approach the 2024 US Presidential elections, the platform’s role in shaping public opinion and engaging young voters will continue to grow. While TikTok presents opportunities for political outreach, addressing challenges such as misinformation remains essential in preserving its integrity as a political platform.

